Duties contracted by the Patient with the Hospital
Collaborate with the compliance of all the policies and instructions established by the Hospital, as well as get informed, understand, and respect the operational regulations of the Hospital.
Treat all the Hospital staff with the highest level of respect, while respecting the rights of other patients, family members and visitors.
Use the Hospital facilities in a responsible manner and collaborate with the maintenance of the Hospital’s habitability.
Comply with the treatment recommended by your physician. On the contrary and when you can legally reject treatment, the patient must request and sign a document for voluntary discharge or release from liability, where the patient is assuming full responsibility for the decision made. If the patient doesn’t want to sign these documents, the Medical Management of the Hospital, following the recommendation of the physician, may discharge the patient.
Pay the bills generated by the care received, providing general and financial information if necessary, as well as sign all the consents presented at the moment of admission and during their hospitalization before undergoing any medical procedures.
Provide complete and accurate information on your overall health and physical wellbeing, as well as collaborating with the collection of this information.
Patient’s Rights
The patient has the right to receive a comprehensive health care based on their health needs in an efficient functioning healthcare environment, obtain an appropriate assessment and pain management, letting the family relative in charge have access to this information.
The patient has the right to have his/her personality, dignity, intimacy, safety, and personal privacy respected and not be discriminated for any social, economic, moral, ideological, cultural, religious or racial reasons.
The patient has the right to the confidentiality of all the information related with the care rocess, including the private information of the Hospital stay, except for any legal requirements that make the delivery of this information mandatory to judicial authorities.
The patient has the right to receive complete and continuous written and verbal information about his/her process, including diagnosis, alternative treatments, risks and prognosis in a comprehensible language. If the patient is clearly unwilling or unable to receive such information, it shall be given to the family members or legal guardians.
The Patient has the right to freely choose among the options presented by his/her physician, being necessary to have a previous consent in writing before carrying out any intervention, except in the following cases:
• When a risk of irreversible injury or death exists and the emergency does not allow any delays.
• When the absence of treatment supposes a risk to public health.
• When there is a legal imperative.
• When the patient is not in full capacity to make his/her own decisions. In this case the family members or legal guardian will have the right to choose. In case no family member or legal guardian is located, the proper authorities will be notified.
The patient has the right to refuse treatment, except in the cases specified in point No. 5, after requesting and signing the Voluntary Discharge and/or Release of Responsibility.
The patient has the right to have a physician assigned, whose name shall be known and that will be the physician responsible and valid liaison with the health team. In case this physician is absent, another physician from the team will assume this responsibility.
The patient has the right to have all his process recorded in writing or in digital format. This information and the tests performed constitute the Medical Record. At the end of the hospital stay, the patient or family member in charge will receive a copy of the Patient’s Discharge Summary and Patient’s Discharge Plan. The patient is also entitled to have access to the information in his/her Medical Record within a reasonable amount of time.
The patient has the right to decide whether or not research, experiments, or clinical trials are performed on his/her person, without prior written consent and/or explanation of the methods and goals of the study.
The patient has the right to examine and receive proper explanation on all his/her bills, regardless of the payment source.
The patient has the right to the correct functioning of the assistance and administrative services; the Hospital’s facilities must provide acceptable conditions of habitability, hygiene, food, safety and respect of their privacy.
The patient has the right to make suggestions and file complaints, as well as to receive a written response by the Customer Service Department.