The Neonatology Area has highly qualified healthcare professionals and technological equipment that guarantee the highest quality care for your baby.
In this ward located on the 6th floor, you will find:
Modern incubators
Ventilators, for babies in ICU
Breastfeeding room where the mother can extract the breast milk and store it, in case her baby is hospitalized, guaranteeing exclusive breastfeeding.
Areas with intensive and intermediate care
We also make sure to provide you with the necessary information regarding the care needed at home when the newborn is discharged.
Neonatal Screening
When babies are born, they must go through a series of tests that certify their state of health is stable. One of them is the neonatal screening, which is done 72 hours after the baby is born.
The neonatal screening is a procedure that requires the utmost care from the moment the sample is taken from the neonate until the final results. Certain parameters of the baby must be taken in consideration: weight and fetal maturity when born (this is considered for specific tests); there may also be the need to take a new sample to confirm a result in particular.
At the Clinical Laboratory from Pacifica Salud Hospital, the neonatal screening is done in 6 metabolic tests; these procedures are supervised by highly trained staff and the results must be ready in a period no greater than seven days.
This test has the purpose of looking for illnesses that at any given point may receive treatment to avoid neurological complications that may lead to a delay in the infant’s development. Not performing this test may put the child’s life in danger.
In Panama, it’s an obligation to perform this test in all the private and public hospitals; it consists on taking a blood sample from the neonate’s heel. The Decree No. 4 of January 8th, 2007 created the National Program of Neonatal Screening. Congenital diseases (acquired during pregnancy) are detected through this test.